One year of Michigan in Pictures, much more to come

Venturing for Fish by Rideout Imagery

Venturing for Fish, photo by Rideout Imagery

When we started Michigan in Pictures one year ago, I’m not quite sure what we expected. Looking back, I have to say that of everything we’ve done through Absolute Michigan, it is of this site that I am most proud. We have to give a huge bucket of thanks to the fine folks at, who provide free and fantastic blog service for this and half a million other blogs and also make their amazing blog software available for free at An equally large container of thanks is due to Flickr, the equally free and equally fantastic photo sharing site. These two companies demonstrate what people who care about what they are building can accomplish.

But beyond either of those are all of you who take and share and appreciate all kinds of photographs of this beautiful land we love called Michigan. We are so grateful to all of you.

This is the time of year when it is customary to make great promises. I’m tempted to make some about how we’ll figure out a way to tie in photos from many more places – professional photographers, other photo services, photography clubs, libraries and museums. Or to say that we will do a lot more photographer profiles like the the ones of Matt Callow and Marjorie O’Brien. Or to announce a massive Michigan photography exhibition. I hope we will do all of these and more but can’t promise anything more than that we will do our very best to honor what you have given us and to show Michigan in all its beauty to all of you.

Happy New Year, hope it’s a good one for everyone.

8 thoughts on “One year of Michigan in Pictures, much more to come

  1. Thanks for the last year in pictures, looking forward to another great year!

    Now where can I find ice like that to fish on?


  2. Many thanks for a year of sharing some outstanding photos. Though I’m Colorado native and resident, I’ve really enjoyed this year of “touring” Michigan and hope to do more through your site and may be in person. Congratulations on your first year.


  3. Wow, I’m honored you used my photo for your year-end post, good sir, it’s an honor!

    This is a great blog you’ve got here, and I hope 2007 surpasses the success you achieved in ’06!


  4. Thanks Andy for using alot of my pictures throughout the year,it has warmed my heart, as your site has done also. Keep up the good work, need anything let me know. It was a pleasure to meet you and Annie this summer and I hope to visit again.


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