Bye Bye Summer

Summer ... bye bye

Summer … bye bye, photo by Ken Scott

Probably the best thing I’ve heard about “Summer 2014” being over is that it really wasn’t much of one anyway.

I hope everyone enjoys their last weekend of summer, and that we have a warm & long fall!

View Ken’s photo bigger, see more in his massive Sleeping Bear Dunes slideshow and definitely follow him on Facebook.

5 thoughts on “Bye Bye Summer

  1. We have had a beautiful Michigan summer!

    If someone wants lots of heat and humidity I hear Florida and Georgia are nice. lol!

    I’ll take Michigan over anywhere else.


  2. The best thing about this summer is that it was actually nice, instead of the usual super-hot/super humid Midwest misery that we all hate so much. This time, it was much more like San Diego’s lovely mild climate than some sweat-drenched Louisiana swamp.


  3. I agree with both of you that the sweat-dripping 90s weren’t missed overmuch, but up here in the north the cool temps depressed business and made the water pretty chilly!


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