Michigan Strawberry Season is underway!

via Leelanau.com

Strawberry Season at Bardenhagen Berries Farm

Strawberry Season at Bardenhagen Berries Farm

Bardenhagen Berries Farm of Lake Leelanau, Michigan reports:

We checked to see if the berries were ready to pick and it turns out they ARE!! We’ll have strawberries at our farmstand at 7990 E Horn Road, Lake Leelanau today until they sell out. The photos show the first flat of the day picked, as well as the first customers to receive this year’s berries!

If you’re in the area, you can pre-order berries or weekly CSA through their website.

Have you had any fresh Michigan strawberries yet?? Where’s your favorite place to pick them up?? Share in the comments or on the post on the Michpics Facebook!

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