Happy World Turtle Day 2024!

Map Turtle by David Marvin

May 23rd is World Turtle Day, an annual day of recognition created by American Tortoise Rescue to raise awareness about turtles & help preserve endangered turtles worldwide. Michigan has ten species of native turtles including the Northern Map Turtle (Graptemys geographica) – check them all out at Know Your Michigan Turtles

The Michpics entry on the Map turtle says that they are avid baskers, often basking in groups. They are diurnal, active both in the day and at night and also a very wary animal, slipping into the water to hide at the slightest hint of danger. During courtship the male initiates by tapping his long claws on the front of the female but few details are known. Well I guess those claws demand attention!! 👀

David took this photo a couple years ago while kayaking on the Grand River. See the latest on his Flickr!

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2 thoughts on “Happy World Turtle Day 2024!

  1. one of our neighbors here at Richlyn Manor in Adrian would put pieces of wood in front of their condo for the turtles to climb on to bask in the sun. They are now deceased..the neighbors…and I often wonder about their turtles😢

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